10 frequent errors in first-time mothers

If you are a first-time mother , do not get angry, nobody was born knowing. It is very common that you are afraid about how to take care of your baby, how to feed him. That's why we'll give you 10 more frequent mistakes to learn and know how to handle each situation, when you already have your baby in your arms.
Just keep in mind these 10 mistakes that we are going to quote, then you will have no doubts about how to act in certain situations.

The ten frequent mistakes in first-time moms

The first most frequent mistake in first- time moms is to think that " everything has to be sterilized until the baby reaches the year"
It is not a question of obsessing about hygiene, it is true that babies during the first weeks of life need much more hygiene than a larger baby.
The reality is that every human being has his immune system, taking care that the microbes of nature do not affect us. In the body there are natural barriers such as mucous and secretions of the digestive and respiratory system. This helps us that every microorganism that wants to enter does not produce any infection. In addition to not producing infection causes our immune system to develop antibodies.
In newborn babies, the immune system is not developed in its entirety, but we also have to keep in mind that every thing that grips or touches may be sterilized but the baby's hands are not and we can not prevent the baby from getting them. Bring it to the mouth. So if we have to try to keep their things clean, to try to keep the baby in contact with few bacteria around them to develop their antibodies, but not enough as it can produce some infection.

The second error of the first mother is "To shelter much to the baby "
The newborn really does not normalize its body temperature and that is why it cools easily. During the first few weeks they will be sensitive to cold and temperature changes. But this is not a reason to shelter them so much. As a result of this they could sweat a lot and could harm their health. Apart it is checked by specialists that increases the risk of suffocation and sudden death. Try that if you are at home and the temperature is about 23 ° C, have it dressed with a body and a cotton pad to cover your little feet. If you notice that your breasts are cold, tighten it a little more but if it is upside down and is sweating it is advisable to take some clothes.

The third error of the first mother is " Do not want to make noise to sleep more "
Many parents tend not to make any sound and to be in the dark, so that it does not disturb the baby's sleep during their day nap and thus also the mother rests a little.
This is not recommended since a month and a half already begin to change the dream and relate whether it is day or night by the light and the baby is prepared to sleep more time during the night. For this to happen and have a restful sleep, they should expose it more to the light of the sun and let it become accustomed to the usual noises of the house during the siesta, so that the baby perceives that it is daytime. And when there is less noise and everything is dark the baby will know that it is night and sleep more hours. In addition it is not good to keep them in total silence because at the slightest sound the baby can startle or frighten, causing the sleep of the parents and especially the child.

Fourth mistake of the first-time mom is " bathing the baby every day "
If it is not a mistake, hygiene is always essential. But nowadays pediatricians recommend that bathing two or three times a week is enough. And more in cases that suffer from atopic dermatitis , since the fatty mantle of the skin is changed with the bath and this damages the skin symptoms.
If we clean the baby every day after changing the diaper, cleaning his ass with a sponge and sanitizing his hands, you will not have to use the bathtub every day. But if the baby soothes the warm water and relaxes it to sleep, the mom will know what is best for her baby.

Fifth mistake in first-time mothers is " Thinking about shaving the baby so that the hair grows stronger "
It is a very frequent error in the first time, is to shave babies with a little hair. It is thought that in this way it will grow much stronger and faster. But it's just the opposite, dermatologists advise not to do it because it is not true, because if the hair is a protein that has a life of its own but the hair follicle that produces it. That is why although the monkfish this hair follicle will remain the same. Apart from having no hair we expose them to lose heat in their little head. That is why it is advised not to cut the hair, its color, texture and type will be definitive after the year of life.

Sixth most frequent mistake in the first-time mom is " do not let her have contact with other people "
Fear of being infected by someone who is sick, if they touch or kiss it is very common in mothers to make it happen. But it is common sense to know if someone is sick, we should not expose the child to contagion. If this person is sensible, he will understand. It is also not appropriate to make a scene by preventing anyone from approaching the child, not even looking at it and touching it. If this happens to strangers it is understood, but if it is with people not nearby.
What you can have at hand, for people arriving from the street is alcohol in gel.

Seventh most common mistake of the mom is " Change it before too long "
The end milk is the best food and satiates because it contains more fat than the beginning. When the baby finishes (one realizes because the breast is soft), then it is passed to the other breast. If the baby is small it will be satiated much faster, so the best option is to start the shot by the chest that did not take or took second. For breastfeeding to be correct you must suck both breasts.

Eighth error most frequent of the first mother is " That sleep in the bed with the parents "
It is not advised because you can fall asleep with the baby under your body and hurt you. It is not convenient for you to sleep with the baby, it can only happen for some special exception, breastfeeding at night.

Ninth error very common in the mother first " Take into account only advice of the grandmother , and ignore the pediatrician "
We have to keep in mind that the years pass perhaps what was advisable in its time now is not. Although we think and sometimes we rely on the experience and wisdom of our mother. The pediatrician is the one who has the right knowledge and adapted to the present and knows what is right and what is not for the child.

Tenth and last error of the first mother " Do not be sincere with ourselves "
Caring for the baby needs a lot of attention, physical, mental and emotional effort. It can happen that there are happier days, another one of more depression in which the mother can not with everything at the same time, when we feel decayed but we continue for fear that they say that we are not a good mother, these situations are not beneficial for The baby and the mother. We have to admit the limitations, to say that it exhausts us and our inexperience depresses us. If you feel this way try to talk or ask for help, this does not make us weak or bad mothers. Everything on the contrary indicates that we are human.
