10 foods that will help you have better nutrition

Today most people are looking for ways to improve their diet, to take care of their body, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for prevention in health and for having, in general, a better quality of life now and in the future.
However, it is one thing to seek to do it and the other is to do it really, the truth is that it is very difficult to achieve day by day, due to the shortage of time and because we are bombarded daily by the publication of fast food or food Package, which by the way is delicious, but that has two disadvantages: its nutrient content is low and other this is full of calories.
So everything is lost? No. Here we will recommend ten foods that are delicious, easy to get, prepare and consume, help you have better nutrition, are not high in calories and help your health much better.
In the list you will find that most of these foods are rich in protein, the truth is that the proteins help you build muscle mass if you maintain an adequate exercise routine, otherwise you will be satisfied for longer and therefore the temptation to eat Sweets, desserts and fats will be much smaller.
Protein has many functions helps build muscle mass if you exercise with weight, helps strengthen the bones of your body, improves the quality of your cartilage and of course, promotes skin and healing. The protein contrary to popular belief is not only found in meat, in this way vegetarians also consume protein in their diet, of course not in amounts as high and easy to ingest as that of people who are not vegetarian.
Without the intake of protein it would be impossible for our body to generate new blood and therefore we would feel weak and tired and even possibly develop diseases like anemia , without the protein the immune system would not work properly so that viruses and batteries would attack us; In synthesis we need a good and healthy diet so that our whole body is strong and balanced, here we present 10 foods that will help you to have better nutrition and that surely you will enjoy.

1. Chicken breast or turkey

The breasts of these two species will improve your nutrition because they are rich in protein and the proportion of fat they contain is very low, being white meat will not increase free radicals ( know what they are and more about them ). You can consume them up to 4 times per week, however, in their preparation we do not recommend to make them fried. Roasted, grilled or with very little oil are the most appropriate forms, you can also consume them boiled with onion, tomato and potato.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a complete food, recently people have the bad idea that the yolk (ie, the yellow part) is harmful, however, this belief lacks arguments since those who do not consume are the bodybuilders who drink the whites ( The transparent or white part) uncooked. The egg has the amount of protein and fat needed for a day. If you consume boiled breakfast is optimal because if you use oil or butter to fry or beat you will be adding unnecessary fats.

3. Salmon

This freshwater fish will definitely improve your nutrition, consuming it 2 to 3 times a week will not only increase the level of protein in your diet but will provide you with antioxidants ; Is one of the foods that helps you to retain the freshness and youth of the skin while the amount of fat you consume is minimal. It is rich in vitamin A or Retinol and omegas so you will be feeding and nourishing as it should.

4. Fresh milk and sweet yogurt

We emphasize that milk should be fresh and organic as much as possible because the proteins are much higher than the treated milks and do not have artificial preservatives like box milks. At the same time Greek yogurt, natural yogurt or yogurt without sweet or without artificial flavors, contains a lot of protein, you can replace the dessert with yogurt with honey or yogurt with chopped strawberry fruit.

5. Shrimp

The shrimp along with the clams, squid, lobster and crab are an irreplaceable food because of its high protein content and omegas 3 and 6. Other shrimp have zinc, a fundamental element for healing, reduction of acne and even for the management of stress.
These seafood are not only delicious but can be prepared in many ways: sautéed with vegetables, baked in paella or as a seafood sauce to accompany your pasta and rice.

6. Almond and almond milk

Almonds and other seeds such as nuts or peanuts are closely related to good health and the prevention of heart disease. They are a good source of unsaturated fats that will give shine to the hair, freshness to the skin and help counteract the negative effects of other fats as well as reduce cholesterol . Almond milk on the other hand is delicious, has a very low fat content and is a rich source of calcium.

7. Potato

The potato is the best of carbohydrates, anyway your brain needs glucose to work and the potato gives them, it is easy to digest by your body so if you consume it you will feel satisfied while you are not adding more calories The ones you really need. You should avoid the chips because the oil is what makes you fat, not the potato. Discover benefits and properties of the potato or potato .

8. Lives

Blackberries like the other red fruits are delicious, they raise the defenses and because of their high antioxidant content, they keep us young, strengthen our memory, lower blood pressure and even prevent cancer . Blackberries, strawberries and raspberries can be consumed in water or milk shakes, in fruit salads or in natural yogurt.

9. Garlic

It is one of the spices with greater beneficial properties for our organism. Garlic has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer , help fight other types of cancer, reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, improve defenses and control blood pressure ( discover natural remedies to lower high blood pressure ). Consuming garlic is very easy when preparing meats, soups and cereals with garlic pounded or crushed, can also be consumed as pills, a couple of garlic cloves each night and welcome to better health. Know 10 benefits of garlic for health .

10. Black chocolate

Despite what many believe, chocolate is one of the best allies of good health. While not all chocolates favor you, you must know how to choose the one you should consume. Good chocolates have a cocoa content greater than 70% and should not contain sweet additions. This is one of the most delicious ways to consume the antioxidants your body requires, energize and strengthen memory. Nothing less could be expected from the delicious dark chocolate.
