10 Common Mistakes When Dieting

Who has not happened to us because of the lack of physical activity and constant worries we ended up being slightly overweight, to which we react with the classic phrase "tomorrow I start the diet".
Many of us succeeded in taking that first step to a healthier diet, but what happens when, after a time of carrying out a healthy routine, you realize that you have not progressed or just do not see any difference?
Before being frustrated by not seeing results, you must first remember that not all bodies react in the same way to a change, reflect on the routine that you are carrying, there are probably some details that are not helping you achieve your goal, that is why Here are some of the most common mistakes when making a diet.

Ten mistakes

1. Consume many liters of juice

Although the juices are nutritious, we must not forget that they contain a quantity of calories that if it is not controlled can bring us many problems in the moment of losing of weight. It is advisable to drink a greater amount of water and reduce the juices proportionally.

2. Eat 5 small servings per day

Over time it has been proven that some people may suffer from an increase in their insulin levels, preventing fat reduction. If you are trying this method and you do not see results, it is advisable to consume 3 meals a day, allowing your stomach to have hours of rest, that will reduce your insulin levels.

3. Use programs for weight loss

The worst mistake that can be made during the diet is to use miraculous methods to lose weight without medical supervision. It is necessary to go to the doctor once before, during and after the diet to carry a complete checkup.

4. Punish your body with extreme diets

Not giving enough food to the body can make our metabolism slow down, which would cause an alert to believe that we need to keep the fats to survive.

5. Concentrate only on fat intake

It is important to recognize what is healthy and natural fat, to the fat found in processed products that obstruct circulation.

6. Eat fast without enjoying the food

To lose weight it is necessary to train our body for it, and teach it what it is to eat slowly and feel how the stomach is satisfying. If you can not eat slowly because of work, you can give yourself some time on weekends, because that will be enough for your body to adapt.

7. Eat without appetite

Many diets are made so that we never get to feel empty stomach, but it is not bad idea that our body experiences the sensation of being hungry from time to time, is a good way to learn to recognize when it is necessary to eat.

8. Obsessing with calories

There is a lot of fruits and vegetables that do not get fat but, on the contrary, they give many vitamins, minerals and have a considerable amount of calories compared to other products that can have low calories and do not contribute anything to your body.

9. Ignore our emotions

Anxiety, sadness or simple boredom can unleash an inner emptiness without control, we can even use food as a reward. It is better to feed ourselves by being hungry and not by an emotional void that we may be living.

10. Give up ahead of time

Perhaps the most difficult stage of the diet is when we stop losing weight consistently, but this is where we should not give up on our goal since it takes time for the body to adapt to its new weight.

It is likely that after reading the list of errors you can feel identified with more than one point, it is natural when we try something new. Before giving up your diet we advise you to recognize the problems and solve them, it will only be a matter of time to find a diet that is right for you.
