How to take care of your skin in 10 steps

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It has multiple and essential functions, but above all it is a kind of wrapping that covers and protects bones, muscles and internal organs. The skin contributes to the defense of microorganisms, of the solar rays, and through it can be absorbed different substances, reason why is a route of administration of medicines; It also regulates the body temperature and puts us in touch with the environment, as it is responsible for the sense of touch.

Here are some recommendations to take care of your skin in 10 steps

1. To prevent cancer, restrict your exposure to the sun ; Wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen, especially in areas of baldness, lips, ears, shoulders and back of the feet. Apply also to children over 6 months of age. Remember that ultraviolet rays cross the clouds.
2. An easy way to care for your skin is to keep it clean . Contact with objects or other skin with some fungal infection and other infections implies a risk of contagion; That is why hygiene is the first ally of good health. The bathroom should be daily.
3. It is not advisable to apply ointments or other medications that have not been indicated by a doctor .
4. Avoid direct contact with toxic or abrasive substances . If this happens, remove them as soon as possible to avoid impregnation. Avoid contact with substances that irritate or cause dermatitis.
5. Keep children under six months away from direct sunlight ; Keep them in covered places, transpose them in covered vehicles and do not apply any protective products; The safety of these at that age has not been established.
6. Sand, water, snow and white surfaces reflect more than 60% of ultraviolet light . Take it into account when you are out in the open, even if you remain in the shade.
7. Washing your face twice a day can be helpful in preventing or controlling acne . Dry the skin with a clean towel, patting, without scrubbing. Also, remove the makeup before bed, so that the skin breathes.
8. Having a restful sleep, not smoking, eating healthy and staying well hydrated favors the good condition of the skin.
9. After exercising, wash your face or preferably bathe, do not remain with sweat.
10. If you feel itchy, avoid scratching: it could become infected.
The skin can suffer allergies, burns and even diseases of the immune system that irritate, clog or inflamed it, presenting redness, inflammation, burning and itching. Follow these recommendations to preserve skin functions and prevent disease.
