How to lose weight?

Generally in some periods we usually relax, changing our meal schedules, we give ourselves more permissions in our food, which leads us to gain weight.

If you want to lose weight what you should NOT do is a restrictive diet, because they are based mainly on vegetables, fruits, soups, water and are low in carbohydrates, proteins, vegetable fats, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Losing only muscle mass and fluid.
To lose weight, what you DO have to do is to change your eating habits, as you begin to lose weight you can sustain it in the long term.

So, what do I do to lose weight?

  • Re-establish your meal schedules and remember to feed every 3-4 hours during the day, as not doing so we go from one to another with more hunger and the body assimilates more.
  • Consume a good amount of fruit, recommended are 3 to 4 fruits a day.
  • Include in your diet to lose weight free vegetables such as lettuce, celery, garlic, spinach, cochayuyo, cucumber, paprika, radish, cabbage, Italian zapallito, luche, penca, chicory and endive.
  • Increase fish intake 2 to 3 times a week.
  • The consumption of oil must be of vegetable origin and according to each person. Those who are overweight are recommended a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 teaspoons daily. Do not forget that olives, seeds and avocados are considered as oil.
  • It reduces the consumption of salt, uses less salt to season, because the excess produces problems to the heart like the increase of the arterial pressure (arterial hypertension) and the retention of liquids, among others. Keep in mind that other processed foods like twigs, crackers, soufflitas, French fries and others contain lots of salt, which do not help at all to lose weight .
  • Perform daily exercise, you must walk at least 30 minutes a day , as it is essential to be able to lose weight correctly. Those who have this built-in habit usually oxidize the fat in a greater way. This also helps us decrease muscle mass loss, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and lower triglycerides.
Remember that to lose weight in a good way, you must include in your daily food foods containing different nutrients that are required by your body and not skip the main meals daily.

To lose weight you should avoid the following foods:

  • Sugar, chocolates, cakes, honey, sweets, because they quickly raise blood sugar favoring the storage of fats.
  • Mayonnaise, fritters, margarine, butter, cream, salty snacks, pork: Viennese, ham, ribs, chop, since they are foods high in saturated fats.

Foods that you must include to lose weight:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Fish such as horse mackerel, sardines and also choritos (quilmahue, mussel or mytilus chilensis)
  • Water (no added sugar), essential for weight loss .
