10 Tips to Help Get a Flat Belly

Both men and women are faced with weight gain or loss of muscle mass in the abdomen, especially after 30 years. The clearest indicator that we are losing our youthful figure is a belly that becomes more prominent as time passes.
The appearance of the belly affects all people, including those who play sports, because everything seems to indicate that it is a symptom linked to the passage of time.
But there is no reason to give up. Few people know that it is possible to delay, counteract and even prevent the appearance of the belly.
Our own will is the main condition to achieve the expected result, it is she and only she who will allow us to successfully apply these 10 tips that help to get a flat stomach.

The 10 tips

1. Eat in small portions and more often

Reducing your intake of meals may at first glance seem the best way to lose weight, but this does not always work as you imagine. The ideal is to eat a little less and increase the frequency of consumption, for example if we eat three times a day we can eat five times a day, in small portions. In this way we will control hunger, having less appetite and facilitating the reduction of portions.

2. Banish Soda Drinks

Not only must we avoid soda because of its high sugar contents (which of course will not help us have a flat belly), its high carbon dioxide content is largely responsible for that feeling of swelling in the belly . Do not forget that somehow we are swallowing gas, which forces our belly to stay inflated.
If we believe that the consumption of soft drinks "sugar-free" helps us to counteract the harmful effects of this type of liquids, we are wrong. Dietary sugar can be even more dangerous for our body, since it is composed of chemicals that are usually harder to digest and that in the long run can cause problems in our intestinal flora.
If you want to know more about problems that can cause this carbonated drink if it is abused, a week ago I published 10 Hidden Secrets that nobody tells you about soda for your health .

3. Take at least 8 glasses of water a day

The consumption of water helps us regulate digestion as we keep the intestines moving. On the other hand, it is known that water is a great eliminator of toxins, something very important that helps us to avoid that the fats are deposited in our organism. Eight vessels is the measure that equals about two liters of water a day. We can help us by replacing the consumption of soft drinks and juices to accompany meals, for pure water.
Water is the best food we have and the healthiest. You can know 10 benefits that water brings to your body .

4. Decrease consumption of alcoholic beverages

These types of drinks are high in calories and promote obesity, especially beer and wine. It is best to reduce your consumption if you want to stop accumulating fat in the abdomen, because it is in this area where adiposity is deposited with more comfort. On the other hand, it is known that alcoholic beverages stimulate the appetite. The more we drink the more we eat and the more risk we have to fatten our belly.

5. Reduce consumption of salt and salt foods

Sodium helps the body retain fluid, causing swelling and obesity. Try to salt your meals as little as possible and avoid eating frozen and / or canned foods because they contain high doses of sodium.
Studies have shown that humans are able to eat without salt and find the same taste in food. A month would suffice for the taste buds to be crammed with lack of salt. Do not forget that there are many other ways of flavoring food, for example with natural herbs and spices such as thyme, pepper, parsley, oregano, among others.

6. Increase fiber intake

This is another strategy to help digestion, as it is very difficult to have a flat stomach if we constantly experience bloating or constipation. Fiber will keep our digestive tract in better shape. A good way is to add whole foods to the diet, leaving out all the derivatives of refined flour or white flour.

7. Exercise the abdominal muscles

If you follow a good diet and also exercise your abs you will have everything you need to have a flat stomach. Conversely, if you do crunches frequently but have a sloppy diet you'll achieve a steel but round belly. There are a thousand and one ways to do sit-ups without realizing it, the practice of boxing or swimming is highly effective in achieving a flat belly.

8. Integrate tea into your daily diet

The thinness of Chinese people is well known and not free. Part of the secret lies in their daily consumption of tea. This drink helps to regulate the metabolism, discourages the accumulation of fats and favors the levels of cholesterol . There are diet programs based mainly on tea intake, as it is a great promoter of weight loss. Discover the benefits of green tea for health .

9. Attacks stress

Contrary to what is believed, our body is not only the reflection of physical habits but of psychic situations. It is proven that people with high levels of stress tend to be obese, or simply develop stomach problems that prevent them from having a flat stomach. It pays to take a few minutes in the day or during the week to take distance from the situations that lead us to lose the relaxation. He knows remedies to treat stress .

10. Privilege the time of rest and sleep

It is proven that people who sleep little are usually hungrier and more frequent. People who do not sleep ( discovering the natural power of melatonin to sleep ) need to satiate their desire to eat quickly which often leads to a diet rich in fats and problems to feel satisfied. It is important to recover the energy and sleep at least six to eight hours a day. Having clear routines of rest, work and food, help our physical well-being.

If you know more tips do not hesitate to tell, leave a comment telling your advice, I will love to know about it
