10 super foods that help improve fertility

If it is time for you and your partner to think about having a baby, prepare yourself because although it is one of the simplest and most beautiful processes in life, it is not always easy for everyone to conceive. Especially in the times when more and more external factors affect the fertility of men and women.
The figures say that about 12% of women between the ages of 15 and 44 have difficulty getting pregnant . 12% does not seem like a figure to worry about, but if we consider that number represents more than 7 million women in the world, it does not seem a smaller percentage.
In addition, women are now slowing the time to become pregnant and the age to be a mother is estimated at around 35 years. Once the woman has achieved some professional stability. However, if the woman has a history of irregular menstrual cycles or other problems related to her reproductive organs, the 35 year old can become a time limit.
If you have regular cycles remember that here you can find an online calculator of fertile days  that can help you determine the days of the month you are most fertile and increase the chance of getting pregnant.
Fertility problems occur when a woman who has stopped using contraception for more than a year can not get pregnant. One of the causes of infertility may be to eat a diet low in nutrients or to have diets to lose weight in a prolonged way, eliminating important foods for the female reproductive organs.
A diet adequate to become pregnant is one that improves the quality of the ovules, propitiates ovulation and increases the capacity of reach of the sperms increasing its quality.
If you have passed the 30's barrier, or if you are wishing to have a baby you should consider that eating habits can play an essential role in improving fertility.

Ten foods that help to be more fertile

1. Omega-3

Omega 3 is an essential component to develop a good hormonal balance that in the case of women is intimately related to the ovaries and to the quality of the eggs. This essential acid is found especially in blue fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and seafood. Also avocado is an excellent source of omega-3.

2. Seeds and nuts

Seeds are often a source of omega-3 and iron. Nut seeds, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and almond seeds are especially recommended. The seeds can be consumed alone or can be added to drinks and meals to make them more nutritious and tasty.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to decrease the chances of in vitro fertilization. Vitamin D plays a major role in bone health, but also in other functions of the body such as fertility. To increase the levels of vitamin D it is recommended to consume whole milk as well as milk products that contain it. Eggs are also rich in vitamin D.

4. Iron

Iron is strongly related to the process of ovulation in women, it is known that during menstruation the iron levels decrease. Some studies have confirmed that women with iron deficiency have more problems implanting the ovule in the uterus. If you are looking for a pregnancy, it is recommended to consume about 18mg of iron per day, while an already pregnant woman should consume about 27mg. A lack of anemia can put the life of the mother and the baby at risk, so it is important that from its conception iron is a strong point in the health of the mother.
Clams, viscera, whole grains, legumes like soybeans and lentils, green vegetables like spinach and chard are iron-rich foods.

5. Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a very important substance not only in the mother but also in the father. Studies have shown that a lack of vitamin B9 can increase the DNA damage that sperm contain. Also, vitamin B is essential for the implantation of the egg and for the subsequent development of the fetus, because it is a vitamin rich in folic acid .
To improve and strengthen vitamin B levels should consume cereals, legumes such as banana and avocado, lamb, yeast, eggs and cottage cheese.

6. Antioxidants

The antioxidants are essential to protect the body from free radical compounds that can reach affect DNA and mitochondria. The human body is able to produce a certain amount of antioxidants but due to a contaminated external world it is necessary to give the body more food with antioxidants. The best way to get them is by eating plenty of fruit and vegetables each day. Especially fruits rich in antioxidants like Kiwi (also rich in vitamin C ), melon, blueberries , strawberry , plum, broccoli, cauliflower, red, green and yellow peppers, among others.

7. Spinach, asparagus and broccoli

It is recommended to increase the consumption of green vegetables since they are usually rich in iron. Also chard, algae, among others. Know many more properties and benefits about broccoli .

8. Plant proteins

It is important to privilege plant proteins above animal proteins. In this way we will have more control over saturated fats, thus improving the health of our eggs. The consumption of lentils, beans, peas and nuts brings large amounts of vegetable protein.

9. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a very important nutrient for the pituitary gland, a regulator of female hormones. The pituitary gland is responsible for producing the hormones that convert oocytes into ova. Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol , which in its Latin roots means toco = pregnancy, ferol = to take. Vitamin E would mean, the vitamin that leads to pregnancy as it largely depends on the health of the eggs in the woman. Vitamin E is found in oleaginous fruits such as olive, almonds, avocado or walnuts.

10. The Zinc

Zinc is very important in the sexual reproduction of men and women. It is of great importance in the case of man since zinc levels help the spermatozoa to have good quality and are strong, having more opportunities to fertilize the ovum. Zinc is found in dark chocolate, seeds, meat and oysters.
To have a healthy and balanced diet it is important to include foods belonging to all food groups. Proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and unsaturated fats.
Finally, do not forget that one of the most important conditions to get pregnant is to have a healthy weight. It is proven that women with overweight may have irregular menstrual cycles ( known causes that can cause menstrual delay ). This can cause some problems when ovulating.
In addition, being overweight reduces the chances of in vitro fertilization, increases the chances of a false birth and increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy . In fact, babies born to overweight mothers increase the chances of having and developing an unhealthy weight.
It is important to find the best conditions to think about the conception of a baby. For this you have to keep your body at a healthy weight, leading a healthy diet and doing physical activity frequently.
