10 Skin Care Tips

There are many things you can do to improve the appearance of your skin and in fact make sure you keep it young and healthy without even resorting to plastic surgery or any other cosmetic treatment.
If you want people to constantly ask how you do to look for an age you really do not have, you must first know that the key to everything is in food and in the changes in your lifestyle.
In fact, the 10 tips to take care of the skin that we present below, require the minimum investment compared to the benefits that are obtained.

1. Sleep well

Enough sleep allows cells to renew and separate; With a total of 7 to 8 hours of sleep, you can allow your body to reach those deep stages of sleep and at the same time refresh your skin as well as your body. If you have trouble sleeping, know about the natural use of melatonin for insomnia .

2. Exercise regularly

Not only is exercise good for maintaining an enviable figure, your heart and your mind; Is also good for the skin because the increase in circulation allows the blood to reach the skin cells more quickly and efficiently.

3. Hydration

When a person is properly hydrated, it helps your body to rid itself of toxins, plus it also prevents fluid retention that is related to dehydration. In other words, if you want to improve the health of your skin, make sure you consume enough water throughout the day. It knows 10 benefits that the water brings to the health .

4. Healthy Diet

Carrying a healthy diet, just like exercise, also benefits the entire body, particularly the skin with the consumption of foods that are rich in phyto-nutrients, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. These nutrients give the skin basic elements that are necessary to combat free radicals and maintain optimal levels of collagen.

5. Quitting smoking

This is another skin care advice you should not overlook, even thinking beyond improving the appearance of your skin. Smoking cessation not only introduces fewer carcinogens, but also eliminates one of the main causes of discoloration and nasolabial wrinkles. Know tips and remedies to quit smoking .

6. Protect yourself from the environment

The more extreme the climatic conditions of the city where you live, the more attention you must put to avoid the damage caused by environmental conditions. Sun, wind and extreme temperatures can burn, irritate and dry the skin, so you have to take all necessary precautions.

7. Regular cleaning

Proper and regular cleaning should be done twice a day because grease, makeup and contamination can have harmful effects on the skin. Therefore, use a cleanser so that your skin is free of all these impurities.

8. Exfoliation

The removal of dead skin cells is of great importance as we age. Therefore, to maintain radiant skin it is recommended to use a correct exfoliant between one to three times per week.

9. Hydration of the skin

The more dry the environment we are exposed to, the more important is the use of a moisturizer for our skin. The use of a correct moisturizer twice a day is more than enough for all types of skins, but more for dry skins.

10. Foods for healthy skin

One of the best tips for skin care is to eat healthy foods that promote the health of our skin. In this regard, the best foods for healthy skin include:
  • Foods containing Omega-3 fats such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring.
  • Foods containing vitamin A or beta-carotene such as sweet potato, mango, carrot and spinach.
  • Foods that contain zinc such as beef, peanuts or roasted pumpkin.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, water and tea.

Optionally ...

As an option to the aforementioned, you can also use herbs for skin care to maintain good health and appearance. In this case it is recommended to use aloe vera as it is good for all types of skins; Perform a facial sauna with comfrey or marigold; Drinking chamomile tea, dandelion or mint. For oily skin it is recommended to apply witch hazel water on the skin to absorb all the fat and also make a facial sauna using lemon grass and rosebuds.
If you follow all the skin care tips mentioned here, there is no doubt that in a very short time you will begin to notice radical changes in the texture of your skin that will look much more radiant and healthy.
