10 recommended foods avoid or reduce your consumption if you have joint pain

The human body is as complex as it is beautiful, and it is key to take care of it. We all know how, although we do not always do the right thing to take care of it. Say a popular saying, that we do not discover certain parts of the body that we do not discover until they hurt us. One of those parts that we discover until they hurt us, are the joints.
Today we want to tell you, first of all, what are the joints, and a list of foods that you should avoid if you have joint pain. Go for it.

What are joints?

The joints are those that connect the bones, provide support to the body and help them move . Any joint damage or injury can limit your movement and cause a lot of pain.
There are many causes that cause joint pain: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , bursitis, gout , sprains , sprains and other types of injuries. Despite what you may think, it is a very common pain, and suffer from 1 in 3 people.
Among the most common pains are knee pain, in man and hip, but it can affect any part of the body, such as ankles, feet, hands, finger.
Even if you do not have pains, or they last little, we should all be aware that joint pains will become more common as we get older.
Any joint pain, whether one lasting for a couple of weeks or lasting for months, all sorts of pain will affect your quality of life. Whatever the cause of such pain, it can be managed with medications, physical therapies, and treatments that the doctor considers . Remember that only a specialist should advise you of the treatment .
The goal, however, of any treatment or therapy is to reduce pain and to deflate, always preserving joint functions.

10 foods that are advisable to reduce your consumption or avoid if you have joint pain

Although we are not aware, the foods we consume daily contribute to improving or worsening our health. We do not give them due importance, and on them depends not only how long we will live, but the quality of life we ​​will have and how our body prepares for any illness or injury in the course of our lives.
Today, on the contrary, there are certain foods that, if you have joint pain, it is advisable to avoid or reduce their consumption. Here we present ten, although the list may be larger.

1. Refined or artificial sugar

The increase in insulin levels makes the pain much worse, so it is advisable to decrease the consumption of sugars, including fresh fruit juices, being better consumed whole.
If the patient is overweight, has high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even diabetes , it is also mandatory to decrease their consumption, as much as possible, as they are metabolized in a similar way to sugar.

2. Saturated fats

Studies have shown that saturated fats trigger inflammation of adipose tissue (fatty tissue), which is not only an indicator of heart disease, but also worsens the inflammation of joint pain.
Pizza and cheese are the largest sources of saturated fat, according to the US National Cancer Institute . Other culprits are red meat, dairy products, pasta and grains-based desserts.

3. Refined grains

Flour and refined grains increase joint pain, as they contain a high glycemic index that stimulates inflammation of the joints.
A 2013 study highlights the role of flour and refined grains in chronic inflammation such as arthritis.
It is best to substitute white bread, white pasta and white rice for almond flour, brown rice.

4. Trans fats

The Harvard School of Public Health helped to discover that consumption of trans fats increases systemic inflammation, and therefore, pain in joints already inflamed or damaged.
Trans fats are present in fast foods and fried foods, processed snacks, frozen breakfast products, cookies, donuts and most margarines.

5. The egg

Regular egg consumption contributes to increased inflammation and pain in the joints. Eggs, especially their buds, contain arachidonic acid, which helps increase the production of prostaglandins that increase inflammation in the body.
If you do not want to dispense with the egg in your diet, and you have joint pain, remove the yolk and go.

6. Table salt

Table salt or refined, is not good, in general, for health, especially if you have cardiovascular problems and / or joint pain. It contains chemical additives to make your consumption easier, and alter the balance of body fluids.
Limit consumption, help to deflate, avoid osteoporosis and combat heart problems.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol is a heavy burden for the liver. Its non-moderate consumption weakens the liver function, which alters the interactions of multiple organs and can cause inflammation. It is best to consume it in moderation or eliminate it altogether.

8. Gluten and casein

Foods with gluten and casein (present in dairy products), promote inflammation. People with joint pain, due, for example, to arthritis, affect them ... if we add that to celiac disease , lactose intolerance , the effect is even worse.
Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and foods made from these grains. Casein is found in products with whey proteins, in general dairy products.

9. Vegetable oils

Many vegetable oils are high in omega 6 fats, which reduces critical body balance, in addition to omega 3 and omega 6. Although omega-6 fatty acids are not bad in themselves, when your body becomes unbalanced, inflammation and Pain increase a lot.
It is best to use small amounts of coconut oil ( discover the benefits of coconut oil ), or olive oil in small amounts. Avoid corn, soybean, safflower oil, etc. Also, avoid products and creams like mayonnaise and butter, which contain a lot of vegetable oils.

10. Dairy products

It is a controversial subject, there are supporters and detractors so to speak, people against argue that the human body is not designed for the consumption of milk from other animals, even if we do not notice it the body recognizes it as an invader and fights it with a Inflammatory response, which aggravates inflammation and pain if you suffer from joint pain. This is because the body does not process the high levels of protein (casein), sugar (present in lactose) from milk and its derivatives.

Some anti-inflammatory foods

To finish, and although it is not the objective of this article, we want to tell you some elements that fight the pain of joints, here you have them:
  1. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach , kale, or romaine lettuce .
  2. Turmeric : is a spice spice present in the curry.
  3. Flaxseed : contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids.
  4. Blueberries : are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
  5. Broccoli , cabbage and cruciferous vegetables .
  6. Chia seeds : they are rich in omega-3 acids, which fight with inflammation.
  7. Avocado : contain fats that are easy to digest. Consume half avocado a day, helps to deflate.
  8. Ginger : has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
In relation to the subject, in the following article: 10 foods that offer natural pain relief , you can find information on natural foods that help to combat pain.
Anyway, if you suffer from joint pain, it is best to go to a doctor as soon as possible , as they may be the result of illness or injury that you can not imagine or raise, in addition, give you a treatment and medication agreements at your age , Physical, and diet, perhaps helping you, in addition, to avoid other diseases, as we have seen in these foods.
