10 foods that help cleanse the kidneys

If you could say which organ of the human body is the most important, what would you say it is?
Difficult, right? For it is because all are, all have vital functions, from the smallest to the largest in size.
Today we will talk about the kidneys.
They are the most important organs of the urinary system, and their function is to filter, absorb and reabsorb water, salts and ions to produce urine and eliminate toxins or elements harmful to the body .
The kidneys are shaped like beans or beans and each weighs about 160 grams in adults.
Taking care of it is key to your health , not only to avoid kidney problems such as stones or others related to the abuse of alcoholic beverages.
To help you, we now give you ten foods that help cleanse the kidneys, and prevent future health problems and that will improve your health in a remarkable way. Go for it.

Ten foods that help cleanse the kidneys and prevent health problems

1. Water

It is the most important drink of all, key to life and health. The Harvard University found that drinking water is the best way to prevent kidney stones, recommending a minimum of 8 glasses of 225 grams a day.
This will help produce about two liters of urine, helping to remove waste and any item that can produce kidney stones.
Discover 10 benefits that water brings to the body

2. Parsley

Parsley is a natural diuretic herb that helps the kidneys eliminate toxins and harmful elements. Promotes increased production of urine to eliminate bacteria and germs lodged in the kidneys.
You can make parsley tea, or use it for your salads.

3. Celery

Celery helps, like all the elements in the list, to increase the production of urine that benefits the elimination of substances that produce kidney stones. But not only that, celery contains nutrients that help strengthen the kidneys and prevent possible infections.

4. Lemonade

Lemon juice, although acid helps increase citrate levels in the urine a factor that decreases the risk of producing kidney stones. To help your kidneys, you should consume the lemonade without sugar. Meet 10 health benefits of drinking water with lemon .

5. Tofu

Tofu is a food of oriental origin, which is prepared with soybeans, water and a coagulant. It is very common in the oriental diet. Its origin is more concretely, in China, invented by the prince Liu An . In the wrong way it is associated with a food typically of the vegan or vegetarian people.
It is a very low calorie food, with large amounts of protein and very little fat content. It is rich in iron and can supply a lot of calcium and / or magnesium.
In addition, the body easily assimilates tofu, and helps to produce urine and enrich the functioning of the kidney, avoiding kidney stones, infections and conditions related to the urinary system in general. In addition, it reduces the production of bile in the liver, because the fat to digest is minimal.

6. Beetroot

The beet is a plant of the family ' chenopodioodeae ', and has many varieties, its consumption raw or in the form of juice contributes significantly to the cleaning of the kidneys, thanks to betaine , a very beneficial phytochemical.
It is an excellent antioxidant and greatly improves the acidity of the urine produced by the human body. This helps to decrease calcium phosphate and struvite buildup in the kidneys. The elimination of calcium in the kidneys, helps the kidney to function at full capacity, in addition, to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
>> Know the properties and benefits of beets to health <<

7. Turmeric

The turmeric is a plant commonly used as a spice, it is yellow, a yellow that easily will distinguish, and that gives color to mustard. But turmeric is not only useful in cooking, it has also been used in natural medicine for thousands of years because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric is rich in antiseptic properties, so it can help prevent and treat kidney inflammation and other types of kidney infections.
We recommend that you read more about turmeric, it provides great and numerous health benefits, beyond helping to cleanse the kidneys. Discover 10 benefits of turmeric for health .

8. Corn Floss

Maize silk has been used for hundreds of years by the Indians of Mexico and Central America, Mexicans used to eat corn in a variety of ways, from picoteo (snacks there), even in The typical broths and stews like the pozole .
Maize silk is used to make infusions. It is a natural diuretic and helps to stimulate the production of urine and the natural elimination of waste. It also helps prevent bladder infections, kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Consume it as an infusion and accompany it with other fluids, especially water.

9. Potatoes

We all consume potatoes, of a very great variety: in the tortillas, fritas, in the cooked ones or broths.
Well, potatoes are a food full of vitamins and minerals that prevent and help heal kidney stones. It is popular for containing large amounts of starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B and C; Which greatly strengthens the kidneys.
To obtain more benefits, it is recommended to consume it in different ways, being the best roasted and with the peel.
Know the properties and benefits offered by the potato for health .

10. Watercress

Watercress is another very common food in the Spanish diet. It has great properties, among them: they are diuretic prevents and fights kidney stones or kidney and gall stones, prevents fluid retention and also helps to eliminate toxins. It is recommended to extract juice from the watercress and drink it without sweeteners.

General Kidney Care Tips

Although the list of foods that help clean the kidneys is much longer, it is all useless if you do not accompany them to other healthy habits and avoiding others that affect not only your kidneys, but the urinary system in general.
We give you some tips or rules of gold so that the care of your kidneys is very complete.
  1. Hydrate properly : We already mentioned the recommended amount. Keep in mind that if you exceed that amount of water, you also affect the kidneys. The best rule is: if you can not drink more, do not do it.
  2. A Balanced Diet : Caring for the kidneys involves the same thing as for general health, and involves consuming natural and wide variety foods.
  3. Exercise : Exercise avoids obesity and regulates the heart and other organs, which helps overall health, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes .
  4. Smoking : Smoking causes a lot of damage, among them, it contributes to the reduction of blood flow in the kidneys. When the kidneys do not have adequate blood flow, they do not work optimally.
  5. Excess over-the-counter medications : Over-consumption of over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen harm the kidneys if they are consumed at higher than recommended doses and / or over a long period of time.
The last advice is not the least: go to your doctor for any rare symptom , not only related to the urinary system, a professional is the only one who can say and treat your possible suffering.
