10 foods against cancer

Cancer is a disease characterized by being caused by damaged cells that damage the body in different ways; although the disease is a "cancer", different types of cancer, have been classified more than 100 different types of this disease, including skin cancer , pancreatic , colon , prostate , breast , and ovary .
And each of these types of cancer has different causes and different symptomatology. Cancer is undoubtedly known to be a disease that does not know a cure, and the treatments that exist are costly because they are very slow, and do not guarantee a recovery.
There are many factors that make cancer more and more common, some are smoking , excessive drinking , exposure to harmful chemicals or the sun , and even genetics can make us predisposed to cancer.
While this is the current situation, we can deduce that until now attempts to fight cancer are based on the treatment of the disease as such; However, the situation could improve considerably if we take into account that the solution is not only to find the cure to cancer, but to prevent the disease.
But the question may arise : in what ways can this terrible disease be prevented? Well, there are several ways, such as taking care not to be exposed to the carcinogenic elements mentioned above, and using sunscreen in order to avoid direct damage of the rays to the skin .
As well as these there are other ways to prevent cancer, but in this article we will be focused on cancer prevention by maintaining a diet based on super foods that help prevent this disease . No doubt taking them into account in a daily diet will bring you many health benefits, among them that will radically reduce the risks of cancer.

Foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

1. Broccoli

Let's start by talking about broccoli, this vegetable known to have the figure of a miniature tree has many advantages as food because it contains nutrients that help the body to produce enzymes that drastically reduce the risk of cancer from exposure to carcinogens, It also prevents the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Studies on broccoli have shown that broccoli is effective in preventing the following cancers: stomach, esophagus, breast and mouth cancer. It is advisable to take 2 cups of boiled broccoli, two to three times a week. Learn more about this great food that is broccoli .

2. Green tea

It is second food that is highly effective in preventing cancer. It is green tea, this tea is a drink whose popularity has increased exponentially over the last few years because it has been shown to have many health advantages. There are several compounds that are found in the green tea that help the human immune system to stay active, and thus prevent the development of cancer cells, also helps the cells not to be damaged due to free radicals found in the body. The recommended dose is 3 to 4 cups of green tea daily, this to ensure anti-cancer effects. Discover 10 properties and benefits of green tea .

3. Tomato

The third super food to prevent cancer is tomato, this fruit has many antioxidants, also have substances that activate the immune system, and also helps prevent possible damage to healthy cells. Tomato also helps to a large extent stop the abnormal growth of cells, and contains vitamins A and vitamins E , which prevent cell damage due to free radicals . Tomato has proven to be effective in preventing stomach cancer, breast cancer among some others. The recommended dose for ingesting tomato is 1 cup of tomato daily, it can be in the presentation of tomato sauce, pasta or juice. Know 10 properties of tomato for health .

4. Blueberries

Another super food against cancer are blueberries, this fruit contains high levels of antioxidants that help prevent cancer, because it neutralizes free radicals that can damage cells, and thus prevent them from becoming cancer cells, also contains High levels of vitamins K and vitamins C , which help decrease the risk of cancer. Some of the cancers that blueberries help prevent are the mouth, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, prostate, skin and breast cancer among some others. The indicated amount of blueberries is from one-half to one cup daily of blueberries, they can be frozen or fresh. Discover 10 properties for the health of blueberries .

5. Ginger

The fifth super food we will talk about is ginger, this food helps prevent mainly ovarian cancer, ginger works as follows: it prevents the cancer cells from developing and otherwise greatly limits the progress of these cells to other body parts. Recently in 2012 a study presented evidence that ginger is also highly effective in preventing prostate cancer. This super food also helps prevent breast cancer, skin, pancreas, among others. The recommended daily dose is 2 to 3 cups of tea, you can also include ginger in cooking ingredients. Know 10 properties and benefits of Ginger .

6. Garlic

Garlic is positioned as the sixth super food we will talk about. In studies conducted in 2000 and 2013 have reported results that prove that garlic is a food that helps prevent cancers such as stomach. This is because garlic contains substances such as agringa and selenium, all elements that help to discuss to a certain extent several types of cancers. Because garlic is a very strong flavored food the recommended dose is to include the garlic in the meals as a condiment as much as possible, without this ruining the flavor of the dish. Discover 10 benefits and properties of garlic .

7. Spinach

Our seventh super food in cancer prevention are spinach, this vegetable is rich in antioxidants that have major relevance talking about cancer prevention. It also contains vitamin A, which is very beneficial to prevent different cancers, among them: the mouth, ovarian cancer, stomach, etc. The recommended dose is one cup a few days a week, this can be added to some salad, or can also be added to some vegetable juice. Discover 10 benefits and properties of spinach .

8. Granada

The eighth superfood is pomegranate This fruit has many anticancer benefits, as it contains a large amount of antioxidants, and other substances that serve as regulators or modulators of cellular biochemistry, thus preventing the cells from being damaged and become cancer cells, Helps prevent breast, colon, skin, prostate cancer among others. It is advisable to add this fruit to the cereals, to some malted salad or fruit juices. Learn more benefits and properties of the grenade .

9. Nut

The nut is our ninth super food to prevent cancer. This fruit contains many substances that have anticancer effects, mainly helps to prevent skin cancer and prostate cancer. It is advisable to add the walnut to the salads, soups or smoothies.

10. Grape

The tenth fruit of which we will mention its anticancer benefits is the grape, this fruit has many antioxidants whose anticancer benefits are mainly to prevent the growth of cancer cells; The grapes are also anti-inflammatory. Studies published in 2005 and 2009 mention that grapes are fruits that have been proven anti-cancer effects. It is highly recommended that a cup of grapes is consumed daily, in case you prefer to consume grape extract, you must resort to the opinion of a doctor in order to know the dose indicated, because in those cases much depends on each person the Correct amount you should ingest.
