10 food tips for asthma sufferers

The Asthma is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Especially the child population.
Asthma is a disease that develops when the bronchial tubes become inflamed, preventing air from reaching the lungs correctly. The efforts made by the affected person to breathe produce muscular spasms in the airways leading to a greater inflammation and therefore a greater obstruction of breathing. Asthma is a serious condition that can endanger life.
The relationship between asthma and food has always been the subject of discussion, in fact, allergy to some type of food is the cause of asthma in some people. Several studies have shown that improvements in diet facilitate the response to asthma symptoms.
Effectively, food is one of the essential factors for the body to react and overcome respiratory crises. Environmental conditions, increased pollution weaken the body's natural defenses, good nutrition contributes to good defenses and strengthen the airways. Here are 10 dietary tips for asthma sufferers.

Ten tips on nutrition for amateurs

1. Vitamin C

The benefits of vitamin C or ascorbic acid to prevent and treat flu states ( known remedies to treat influenza), associated with the respiratory tract are well known. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant capable of reducing the levels of contamination in the body produced by free radicals , which may later be the cause of inflammation. Vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory and makes asthma symptoms more bearable. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables. Fruits include oranges and mandarins, kiwi, pineapple and mango.

2. Fish and shellfish

Intake of fish and shellfish with high omega-3 content helps to stop inflammation and help relieve symptoms. During an asthma attack ( known as asthma remedies ) the body produces free radicals that aggravate inflammation, to attack radicals nothing better than antioxidants and vitamin C. Omega 3, an excellent natural antioxidant, is found mainly in The blue fish, the salmon and the anchovies.

3. Coffee

Although many doubt the beneficial effects of coffee, the fact is that this drink is able to dilate the airways. One or two cups of strong coffee can make a crisis more bearable. In fact, it is recommended to drink coffee at the time of the crisis. Scientific studies have shown that coffee intake could prevent recurrence of seizures, because caffeine acts as an antihistamine.

4. Garlic, onions and ginger

Ginger has long been used against respiratory diseases and flu. A treatment with isoproterenol, a component used to curb the inflammation caused by asthma, plus doses of ginger represent beneficial effects and acceleration in improving symptoms. Discover 10 benefits of jegibre for our health .
Garlic and onion are rich in allicin and quercetin. Allicin the major component of garlic is currently under study due to its great healing faculties. Quercetin very present in onions, especially red onions, is a source of antioxidant flavonoids that inhibits the proliferation of inflammatory substances. In the same way, This substance would have antiallergic properties. On the other hand, the itch that offer both onion, as garlic and ginger contributes to the formation of fluids that dilute the mucus. Know 10 Onion Benefits and Properties for Health .

5. Apples

Apples have always enjoyed a great reputation for the health benefits they have. More recently, scientific studies have confirmed that eating apple at a rate of two to five per week, reduces the risk of asthma by 32%. The antiasthma powers of apples are concentrated mostly on their skin, which is where they are the most antioxidants. That is why it is recommended to eat it whole and avoid the jams. Other studies have even recommended that expectant mothers eat large quantities of apples as a way to prevent the onset of asthma in their young children.

6. Leave Processed Foods

A high consumption of processed foods is discouraged for everyone. However, for people suffering from asthma, it is even more important to stay away from these types of foods, as their effects can be even more dangerous. The saturated fats present in this type of products promote the permanence of inflammation and increase the production of mucus. In addition, its high content of chemical additives can boost the onset of asthma attacks. Because they bring toxins to the body. That is why, if you suffer from asthma, it is best to stop (or at least decrease) the consumption of soft drinks, junk food and bakery and pastry products.

7. Check weight

It is clear that people who are overweight are more likely to feel drowned and fatigued. The respiratory capacity of overweight people is reduced by half. Facing an asthma attack it will be much more difficult for a body with a very abundant body mass to react conveniently. On the other hand, in obese people the attacks are usually much stronger and the processes of recovery and hospitalization more prolonged. The lungs need to feel light to fully perform their breathing task.

8. Adopt a Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet stands out as one of the most balanced in the world. Their benefits are demonstrated by the fact that people who live in this area have less cardiovascular problems, less risk of obesity and often do not suffer from asthma frequently. The fact that asthma is not widespread in the Mediterranean area may be due to a diet rich in good fats, vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers and fruits such as oranges and clementines, products rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Although you Do not live in this area of ​​the world, if you suffer from asthma what better it is to adopt this type of diet.

9. Avoid alcohol

According to some studies, alcohol may aggravate asthma attacks. In fact, it has been possible to establish that alcohol induces the appearance of symptoms. The reason is that alcohol causes the body to trigger any alert to the possibility of allergy. People with recognized allergies should avoid alcohol. In the case of asthma, alcohol also acts as a trigger, it can increase the feeling of choking and oppression in the chest and decrease the body's reaction to a crisis. Among alcoholic beverages, wine is particularly dangerous for asthmatics, probably because of its high content of histamine and sulfites capable of increasing inflammation and worsening any allergies.

10. Eat Bananas / Platanos

British studies have established that eating a banana daily decreases the risk of developing asthma by up to 35% in children under 10 years. Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition it contains high levels of pirixodina or vitamin B6 , a substance very important for the good functioning of the bronchial tissue.
