10 daily habits that damage the brain

Today we are going to show you how everything you do every day affects in one way or another your brain and your way of thinking. On the other hand he thinks that just as you do good things for him, you do bad things and these things you repeat them day after day for many years.

Your brain

One of the most important things we have is our brains and we must take good care of them to function properly for many years. Our brain is so important, it is the one that regulates everything related to our brain and is what makes our heart can or our hormones work. Think for a moment that our brain forgot to do those things.
Experts have been telling us for a long time that the way we handle our lives, is killing our brain and makes the cells shake much faster, so our brain gives us half as much time as it should.

10 daily habits that can damage your brain

1. Not having breakfast

Something as simple as not having breakfast can make you have many problems in the future with your brain. For all people, one of the most important moments of the day is breakfast time, since it is what gives us performance to start the day. Ever since we got up, our brains need to be fed to work the right way so you have to help. If you do not feed it, the brain will have to make a greater effort to do the same and this will make that overexertion make you feel more down. In addition to that you will feel in a bad mood about everything, without the possibility of concentrating.

2. Smoking

Smoking is another thing that makes your brain worse every year. People who smoke, begin to decrease considerably their mass of the brain and also reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches it. Experts tell us that this has already caused diseases such as Alzheimer's, among others. He knows cures to stop smoking .

3. High sugar consumption

Just as you read it. We are tired of reading that sugar is much more addictive than many drugs and it is, but it is not only bad because it can be addictive, but because it kills your brain slowly. Consuming white flour, foods that have been fried or stuffed with a diet that does not have many fruits and vegetables, can cause many problems in your brain from the accumulation of toxins. This makes the person more clumsy and may even develop tumors .

4. Contaminated environments

The brain needs constant oxygen, but when we are in places that are not healthy, when breathing, we are not always breathing oxygen, which can make the efficiency of the brain worsen.

5. Little sleep

This is one of the problems that most people have. We all need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, because if not, our brain begins to die slowly and ages much faster than we imagine.
If you do not sleep your 8 hours, the cells do not regenerate properly and this makes you much more tired and cranky for longer.
If you have insomnia problems, it may be helpful to know about Melatonin , a natural hormone that helps you sleep.

6. Overeating

Another of the things that makes toxins accumulate and the brain does not work the right way is when we overeat. If you eat others, the cerebral arteries are hardening and this makes the performance is not correct.

7. Alcohol

Okay, duty a little alcohol does not hurt, but when we take it as something we do every week, alcohol begins to wreak havoc on our organs at almost every level. The first thing that affects is the nervous system and then the heart.

8 · Stress or violence

Among the many problems that cause us stress, the aging of our brain is one of the main. When we are stressed, our brain undergoes a kind of blackout in mental capacity. If we can not relax, we can go through strokes or in the most severe cases, heart attacks. He knows remedies to treat stress .

9. Cover your head when you fall asleep

This is something that many people do to sleep better, however, this act makes us breathe a large concentration of carbon dioxide, which can in turn cause many faults in the brain. It is true that for once nothing happens, but it is not something we do once, but night after night for many years.

10. Train the mind when we get sick

Everything has its moment and when we are in good shape it is time to study hard or work, however, when we get sick the body goes into reserve energy and does not react well to anything, since all their energies are focused on healing.

Remember that your brain must be with you all your life

You must take good care of your brain, since it is the one that will accompany you throughout your life. As previous recommendations, we can say that it is convenient that you eat many fruits and vegetables as well as mostly green leafy vegetables.
Whenever you can ingeste fish, as they are rich in omega 3 and take great care of your brain. In addition, omega 3 makes the neurons much healthier.

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